QuantLab Week 10 - Image Processing

Assignment Date: Friday, Nov. 15, 2024

Due Date: Monday, Nov. 22, 2024

Lecture – Mike Sauria

Lecture Slides


As always, before you do anything else, create a week10 directory in your qbb2024-answers directory for this assignment, and create a README.md file in that week10 directory. This is where you will be putting and uploading all of your code/plots/etc. for this assignment.

I recommend creating a livecoding directory within your week10 directory, and putting your live-coding scripts and data there. You can add the livecoding directory to your .gitignore so that git won’t track these files.

Before starting, you will need to install an addiitonal python package using the following command:

conda install plotly -y

Wherever you choose to do your live-coding, you can download the following file: live_coding_images.tar.gz

This file contains the data you’ll need for the live-coding exercises. Once downloaded, unzip it with the following command:

tar -xvzf live_coding_images.tar.gz

You can also download the live-coding script we will be writing here so you can follow along or catch up if you fall behind. This also has two functions you will use in your homework assignment.

Since today deviated a bit from the live-coding template, I am also uploading the actual live code from class here.

Homework Assignment

Complete the homework assignment in your week10 submission directory in your qbb2024-answers.

Homework Assignment