Assignment 2: Variant Calling

Assignment Date: Friday, Sept. 17, 2021
Due Date: Friday, Sept. 24, 2021 @ 1:00pm ET


Slides are available here: 0210914_qblab_variant_calling.pptx

Basic Exercises: Multi-Sample Variant Calling

Today we will perform de novo identification of variants in multiple haploid yeast strains. These strains are the progeny of a cross between a lab strain and a wine strain. The data come from Finding the sources of missing heritability in a yeast cross.

Submitting your assignment

If you do not write a bash script, keep track of all your command-line code in a txt or md file.

Push all scripts (Python and/or command line), your txt or md file (if applicable), a nicely formatted multi-panel plot, and ONLY the first 1000 lines of your filtered, decomposed, and annotated VCF to your qbb2021-answers Github repository. Do not push any other raw data to Github, and do not push the full VCF!

Getting your data


Sequencing reads

The following zip file contains ten sets of single-end Illumina sequencing reads, each for a different yeast strain.

wget ""
tar -xvzf BYxRM_subset.tar.xv
Reference genome

You will be aligning reads from your yeast samples to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae reference genome. This reference is called sacCer3 by the UCSC genome browser, but its name in the NCBI Assembly archive is R64-1-1. You need this info later for snpEff.

When you unzip the reference genome file from UCSC, it will have separate fasta files for each chromosome. You should combine these files into a single whole-genome reference by using the code below:

wget ""
tar -xvzf chromFa.tar.gz
cat chr*.fa > sacCer3.fa
rm chr*.fa

Your task now is to identify genetic variants in these samples and annotate them with their predicted functional effects.

Bash scripts

Since several parts of this assignment will involve running the same code on each of your 10 yeast samples, you may want to write a bash script that will automate this process for you. However, this is not required.

Step 1: Index the sacCer3 genome with bwa index

Before you can align your sequencing reads, you first need to index the sacCer3 genome.

Step 2: Alignment with bwa mem

Align your reads against the sacCer3 reference genome.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that you assign each sample a read group during this process, so that individual samples can be distinguished in Step 4. You can do this with the (somewhat cryptic) -R flag, which you use to add a line to the header of each output alignment file. An example of a header line you can add with the -R flag is "@RG\tID:Sample1\tSM:Sample1".

Perhaps consider the -t and -o flags as well.

BWA manual

Step 3: Create a sorted bam file with samtools, for input to variant callers

Perhaps consider the -O and -o flags.

samtools manual

Step 4: Variant calling with freebayes

Use freebayes to identify genetic variants in all of your yeast strains concurrently. It will output results in Variant Call Format (VCF). You should consider using the -f, --genotype-qualities, and -p flags.

freebayes documentation

Note: This step will take a few minutes, and your computer might make a lot of noise.

Step 5: Filter variants based on genotype quality using vcffilter

Filter your VCF so that you only keep variants whose estimated probability of being polymorphic is greater than 0.99. You should consider how to do this with the -f flag. The freebayes documentation will be helpful here, as well as this vcffilter info.

Step 6: Decompose complex haplotypes using vcfallelicprimitives

We suggest using the -k and -g flags to keep annotations for the variant sites and sample genotypes in your VCF.

You can reference vcfallelicprimitives documentation 1 and vcfallelicprimitives documentation 2.

Step 7: Variant effect prediction with snpeff ann

First, fetch the appropriate yeast reference database:

snpeff download R64-1-1.99

Then, use snpeff ann to annotate your VCF with the predicted functional effects that these genetic variants may have.

We recommend not Googling the snpeff documenation. It will tell you to use java -jar snpEff.jar, which you should not. The help option for snpeff ann’s command-line tool is 100 times better.

Step 8: Exploratory data analysis through plotting

In Python, produce a nicely formatted and labeled multi-panel plot describing your variants.

Explore each of the following characteristics of the variant genotypes called across all ten yeast samples. (Each characteristic will be a subplot in the multi-panel plot).

  • The read depth distribution of variant genotypes (histogram)
    • This information can be found in the sample specific FORMAT field for each variant/line. Check the file header to decide which ID is appropriate.
  • The quality distribution of variant genotypes (histogram)
    • This information can be found in the sample specific FORMAT field for each variant/line. Check the file header to decide which ID is appropriate.
  • The allele frequency spectrum of your identified variants (histogram)
    • This information is pre-calculated for you and can be found in the variant specific INFO field. Check the file header to decide which ID is appropriate.
  • A summary of the predicted effect(s) of each variant as determed by snpEff (barplot)
    • This information was added to the VCF by snpEff and can be found in the variant specific INFO field. Check the file header to decide which ID is appropriate and how to parse the information.
    • We encourage you to consider every possible effect for each variant, but feel free to just grab the first one.

You may find it helpful to reference this page of the snpeff manual, which describes the format of its output VCF.


Push all scripts, a record of your command line commands (if applicable), your multi-panel plot, and ONLY the first 1000 lines of your filtered, decomposed, and annotated VCF to your qbb2021-answers repo. Do not push any other raw data to Github, and do not push the full VCF!

“Got anything else?” you ask. Of course we do. If you have time, try your hand at the advanced exercises:

Advanced Exercises: Coverage Simulation & de Bruijn Graphs

Submitting your assignment

Push all scripts, a txt or md file with your answers, and plots to your qbb2021-answers Github repository.

Question 1. Coverage simulator

  • Q1a. How many 100bp reads are needed to sequence a 1Mbp genome to 5x coverage?

  • Q1b. Using Python, simulate sequencing 5x coverage of a 1Mbp genome and plot a histogram of the coverage. Overlay the histogram with a Poisson distribution with lambda = 5.
    • Note you do not need to actually output the sequences of reads - you can randomly sample positions in the genome and continually record the “coverage” you get from this sampling.
    • You do not need to consider the strand of reads.
    • Assume that sequencing reads have a uniform random probability of starting at each possible position (1 through 999,900).
    • You can record the coverage in an array of 1M positions.
  • Q1c. Using the histogram from 1b, how much of the genome has not been sequenced (has 0x coverage)? How well does this match Poisson expectations?

  • Q1d. Now repeat the analysis with 15x coverage:
    1. Simulate the appropriate number of reads
    2. Make a histogram
    3. Overlay a Poisson distribution with lambda = 15
    4. Compute the number of bases with 0x coverage
    5. Evaluate how well it matches the Poisson expectation

Question 2. de Bruijn graph construction

  • Q2a. Draw, with Python, the de Bruijn graph for the following reads using k=3. Assume all reads are from the forward strand, no sequencing errors, and complete coverage of the genome.
  • Q2b. Using the k-mers from Q2a, ssume that the maximum number of occurrences of any 3-mer in the actual genome is 4. Write out one possible genome sequence.

  • Q2c. What would it take to fully resolve the genome?